Drawing from over 15 years of experience teaching Biblical Greek, including more than seven years at APNTS, Professor Darin H. Land recently published Reboot Your Greek: A Forty-Day New Testament Greek Refresher.

Reboot Your Greek aims to help former Greek students recapture their passion for reading the New Testament in its original language by providing forty brief lessons designed to be accomplished in about 30 minutes a day for forty days. Dr. Land recognized that many former Greek readers wish to restart reading Greek, but feel overwhelmed by their perception that to do so would require them to re-do their entire first-year Greek learning experience.

Thus, Reboot Your Greek offers bite-sized chunks of Greek review, together with healthy doses of encouragement, to guide the learner from discouragement to success. Each of the forty lessons includes review of key Greek concepts presented in easy-to-understand language and some exercises from the Greek New Testament to help readers progress at a manageable but rewarding pace.

Available in both paperback and Kindle versions, Reboot Your Greek can be ordered from the publisher or on Amazon.



Copies are also available directly from the author.  Stop by his office on campus to purchase your copy!