
2009:First Semester Graduates

With the close of first semester
three students are at the end of their Master of Divinity studies
and are launching into the ministries to which God has called them.
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Junichi Nakade with his wife, Mari, is returning to Japan. He says that his life at APNTS was full of trials and when he tried to overcome by his own strength, he was always in panic. “God is faithful; God was always with me,” said Junichi. “I will never forget what God taught me at APNTS. I was encouraged by God showing His love through you (the APNTS community).” Junichi plans to serve God through the Church of the Nazarene in Japan.

During the final chapel of the semester, Marc J. Katalbas reflected on his time at APNTS, telling of the overwhelming realization of how much God loves him. He was freed from preconceived ideas that were inconsistent with Christian faith by belief and he learned how much he still needs to learn. “APNTS as a community has become a part of me and I will treasure you. It was here I experienced God’s presence and how God works.” Marc plans to return with his wife, Lillian Ruth, and his son Marc William, to his province of Negros in the Philippines to minister in the Church of the Nazarene.

Brian Woolery senses a global call to ministry through “the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry.” He challenged his fellow students not to be distracted by anything but to “give your heart fully to the Lord. Even though we leave a place that is comfortable, God’s faithfulness is greater still.” Brian and Julie (2009 M.A. Religious Education graduate) and their son Justin will return to the U.S. to reconnect with family while they await their next assignment.

written by Professor Beverly Gruver