On Maundy Thursday as thousands of Catholic devotees made their way to the Antipolo Cathedral for the annual “Alay Lakad”, APNTS students distributed water to the passing pilgrims in the front gate of the seminary.

Every year Catholic pilgrims walk their way to the Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage Church in Antipolo City as part of the traditions during the Lenten season. The seminary which is located in Tikling is along the route the pilgrims take.

The students use this apportunity to minister to people by giving out water to the thirsty pilgrims. This has also been part of the traditions of the seminary students every Holy Week. According to Neseta, the APNTS SBC President for the next school year, more than 1000 people were served this year.

Alongside APNTS students, members of the Alpha Phi Omega Fraternity (APO) also gave out water to the pilgrims. APNTS provided a table for the group and helped them to distribute the 1000 bottles of water that they have brought. John King Antiporda. From APO said, “This is not the first time that we were helped by and worked along with APNTS students. I have met and seen others in the previous years.” Taytay First Church of the Nazarene’s youth group, Generation Congregation, was also present and performed songs in the seminary’s front gate.