
The Asia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary (APNTS) builds new bridges with the youth who reside around Kaytikling and other nearby communities in a unique way. APNTS collaborates with Philippine Children’s Ministries Network (PCMN), Visayan Forum, and Microsoft in educating out of school youth with basic computer training, life skills, and values education. This is the basic thrust of the Stop Trafficking and Exploitation of People through Unlimited Potential (Step-Up) Program. Last March 7, 2009, twelve (12) trainers graduated from the Training for Trainers (T4T) program. Some of them are currently establishing their own centers in training out of school youth.

The first graduation ceremony for the Out of School Youth (OSY) took place last April 25, 2009 at the Nielson’s Center for Christian Education (NCEE) building. Twelve (12) young people received their certificates of completion. They also received letters of recommendation from Dr. Cunningham that they could use for possible employment. The program aims to provide employment assistance to the potentially at risk individuals and communities. That is why on April 24, 2009, the members of the Step-Up Committee brought these young people to the Job Fair at SM Taytay. They had the opportunity to submit their resumes and application forms to companies for possible employment. The committee with its director, Dr. Robert Donahue also coordinated with Mayor George Ricardo Gacula for employment possibilities of the out of school youth who are enrolled in the program.


– N. Pettalar