APNTS turns out large representation in public awareness seminar for child sex trafficking, violence and abuse.
This year alone, over 100,000 people under the age of 18 will be trafficked in, through, or from the Philippines islands. In an effort to uproot this dark crime, the organization “Called to Rescue” held an intensive awareness training on May 16th for ministers, leaders and community practitioners. APNTS was proud to be a part of these vital and informative sessions, sending over 40 participants for education and training.
Twenty-five of these participants from APNTS were youth and trainers from the school’s Anti-trafficking/exploitation initiative called, “StepUP”, which aims to prevent human trafficking and exploitation through teaching employable computer training, life skills, and human trafficking advocacy to out-of-school youth from at-risk communities.
Another large representation from APNTS were students from the course, “Church, Child, and Mission” a week-long modular course from the school’s Holistic Child Development program taught by Dan Brewster of Compassion International and Dan Balayo of Nazarene Compassionate Ministries.
Called to Rescue director, Dr. Cyndi Romine is internationally recognized as a leading authority on child sex trafficking and victimization. The training session focused largely on the situation of child sex trafficking, violence and abuse and provided practical insights for vigilance and the rescue of victims. The seminar invoked people from all ranks of society to get involved and speak up about the injustices that they see and to work as agents of change for their churches, schools, and society.
APNTS has committed itself to addressing this growing threat trafficking and exploitation in Southeast Asia though continuing to expand its advocacy in these areas through the integration of trafficking and migration issues into its curriculum, prevention initiatives such as “StepUP”, and by encouraging its students and ministry partners to support such community-based initiatives.

PHOTO 1: Youth from the school’s “StepUP” program pause for a picture outside of Victory Christian Fellowship in Ortigas Center which was the venue for the event.

PHOTO 2: Dr. Cyndi Romine, Director of “Called to Rescue”
By Jarrett Davis
APNTS Communications Officer