September 14, 2024: The hybrid events were concluded with a seminar on AI where World Evangelical Alliance and Tearfund UK’s Prof. Rei Crizaldo shared on engament with and key theological themes on AI and PBTS-ABGST and Evangelical Review of Theology’s Dr.Francis Samdao and APNTS’ Dr. Faraz joined in a panel discussion.

In the webinar, Prof. Rei shared on the 4 waves in digital theology. He also proposed that AI invites to new ways of being missional, new ways of thinking, and new ways of relationality. Prof Rei shared that the body of Christ can take both prophetic and kingly stance on AI, be critical in using AI, but at the same time steward this new technology with wisdom and righteousness. Dr. Francis Samdao, in the Q&A, encouraged those present that AI calls us to creative pedagogy/androgogy and to reconnect with indigenous ways of knowing. Furthermore, both Prof. rei and Dr. Francis gave the caveat that like all technology can take the “muted voices” farther in the margins of theology. Hence, we who can access and utilize AI must use it to amplify such voices from the margins.

It was an interactive seminar with over 70 participants coming from Asia, USA, and Africa. One of the participants shared: “I found the discussion extremely relevant and beneficial… The seminar provided valuable insights that I can apply in my ministry and academic journey. I truly appreciate the effort you and your team put into organizing this event and look forward to attending more seminars in the future.” APNTS is glad to serve!

All glory to God and see you next semester for the next research seminar/webinar!