APNTS Joins National Christian Advocacy for Filipino Children
Jarrett Davis
APNTS Communications Officer
Children have always been a big part of God’s plan, however, they haven’t always been a part of ours. On May 5th, in an effort to change this troubling reality, Asia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary (APNTS) joined a collaborative, national effort called, “4/14 Window Pilipinas.” The event brought together denominations, ministries, and community organizations from across the nation to take a meaningful look at the current state of Filipino Children and rally for their integral place in Philippine society and churches.
The “4/14 Window” refers to the demographic group of people between the ages of 4 and 14. It is this section of society that is the most receptive and open to spiritual and developmental input. 4/14 Window Pilipinas hopes to inspire churches to place Children as a high priority in their ministries and to work to minister holistically to this powerful demographic, intentionally discipling them for life-long faith.
Philippine Field Director for the Church of the Nazarene and NCM Regional Child Development Coordinator, Rev. Steven Gualberto addressed the group calling attention to the current state of Children in the Philippines. Gualberto highlighted current rising statistics of poverty, trafficking and exploitation of children in the Philippines and appealed for a greater Christian response. Gualberto states that he hopes that this event will engage the church in assessing the critical issues facing the children and youth in its community so that it can create ministries to meet the needs of children and youth.
The event aimed for a meaningful collaboration of different church ministries to help integrate children and youth into the faith community for intentional discipleship. A broad, multi-sectoral audience of 13 local churches, 3 ministries, 7 denominations, 2 educational institutions, 8 community development agencies, and 8 groups from the literature and business sector collaborated in round-table discussions on Philippine child advocacy.
APNTS is proud to join with 4/14 Window Pilipinas and sees a strong potential in filipino children and young people as resources for the holistic transformation of their world. The coalition challenged churches to come together and fight for the protection and holistic development of children in our churches and societies; For the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.

(Image: Philippine Nazarene Field Director, Steven “Bong” Gualberto, reports on the state of filipino children.)