
with the APNTS graduates


I’m in Narita lounge. I had a wonderful time with Jonathan Tsutada and his aunt, Grace Tsutada, also an APNTS graduate. I stayed with them in Ate Grace’s house, which has been wonderfully provided for her as “missionary at large” from a fine friend and benefactor, Mrs. Kai. It was a great experience staying in a Japanese home.

The first evening, had dinner with Jonathan, Grace, Peter Umeda, the missions director of Immanuel General Mission, and Kenji. Rev. Umeda is also an APNTS grad. It was the beginnings of a Japan alumni association. Yuri Tsutada joined us the next day.

I went on Tuesday to the headquarters in Tokyo. Had an especially good conversation with Dr. Samuel Fujimoto (Wesley scholar and Drew PhD 1986), who is General Secretary of Immanuel Domestic Mission Department and also academic dean of the Bible school in Yokohama, which we visited yesterday afternoon. The school there offers no degree, but almost all of its students have graduated from some university, so their course offerings (like the Japan Nazarene Theological Seminary) are at a master’s level. They are eager for some graduates and students to earn a masters degree at APNTS. They are looking forward to APNTS’s distance education program. I met a prospective student, but he’s a much-needed pastor as well (hence the desire for distance ed.)


APNTS Alumni in Japan

Had a great wonderful sushi meal with Mrs. Kai last night.

Jonathan mentioned that we’ve had more time to talk and be together than in his three years as a student at APNTS! It seemed like being with family.

Floyd T. Cunningham

(email sent last September 2)