Asia Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary (APNTS) has teamed up with Mustard Seed Foundation (MSF) to provide seminars and courses on “Theology of Work” and “Business Ethics” in a variety of countries, with Dr. Fletcher L. Tink, head of their PhD program in Transformational Development, as lead teacher.
Mustard Seed Foundation is devoted to participating ‘in God’s work to encourage churches and individuals through grants and scholarships around the world,’ particularly outside the United States. APNTS applies for grants from requesting programs and submits them to MSF to cover the professor’s travel expenses, on-site costs and class subsidies.
Dr. Tink has a long history with the Foundation and has taught in 25 nations for Mustard Seed under various academic auspices. However, over the past three years, APNTS has been the agent of record with its name and insignia on certificates of over one thousand students in eleven countries, some of which are typically closed to the Gospel message. Many of these students are of other religious orientations such as Islam, Buddhist and Hindu, but are learning basic truths about God’s purposes in their lives through work and through accountability, excellence, and integrity.
In several of these countries, the Church of the Nazarene has been the host, providing pastors and church leaders with an opportunity to receive credits for ministerial study, for continuing education and for the rare opportunity of seminars in areas not normally available.
Last November, Dr. Tink served as keynote speaker for the International Council for Evangelical Theological Education (ICETE) conference in Panama City, Panama, addressing the worldwide scope of “Theology of Work” before 450 academic representatives of 200 international Bible colleges and seminaries in developing countries of the world. APNTS was prominently featured as part of this presentation.
Dr. Tink has taught often internationally and brings a sensitivity and awareness of cultural differences and religious diversity that has allowed him to negotiate entry into many sensitive situations.