In the midst of preparations at Asia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary for celebrating our 25th anniversary, we also joined the world-wide celebration of the Centennial of the Church of the Nazarene.  Chapel services during the month of October focused attention on the Centennial Celebration of the Church of the Nazarene through featured videos of the church, music through the century, and a challenge to go forward to carry the message of holiness onward.  For one quarter of that century, APNTS has been a garden behind walls at Kaytikling corner in Taytay, Rizal. We ponder the limited impact the seminary seems to have made outside those walls, and are seeking ways to intentionally build bridges into the surrounding communities.

manila-centennial-12Dr. Geneva Silvernail, the Centennial Celebration Coordinator for the Asia-Pacific Region, was the keynote speaker on October 2.  Using the backdrop of the big tent in Pilot Point, Texas, she portrayed an outside observer from the town who watched the northerners and southerners gather and unite under the banner of the perfect love of God “shed abroad in their hearts” as they formed the Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene. As her character began to be transformed through watching the power of God at work, so we also felt the transforming work of God in our hearts.

Rev. Jason Hallig challenged us from the book of Habakkuk to cry out to God in his message on October 7.  October 9th brought the emphasis from the contribution of the Church of the Nazarene in Korea with the Korean Fellowship group leading the worship, Rev. Kim Byoung Gi teaching us to experience the Korean prayer emphasis, followed by a message toward the future by Prof. Kwon Dong Hwan.

The voice on October 14 was from the 62 years of history of the Church of the Nazarene in the Philippines.  Music was in the general tradition of earlier Nazarene congregational singing including the rousing singing of “Wonderful Grace of Jesus.”  Dr. Angelito Agbuya-long time pastor of Angeles City Church of the Nazarene, District Superintendent of the Metro Luzon District, former president of Luzon Nazarene Bible College, head of the Angeles Church school, and adjunct professor of APNTS-challenged us to firmly maintain our mission of holiness without compromise while we seek to adapt the message to our ever changing context in the 21st century.


October 16 Sam Tamayo and his group led worship with a blend of the old and the new-all with a focus on bringing our praise to God.  Rev. Rovina Hatcher gave the challenge to rethink our strategies to be intergenerational in reaching our world.


Missions professor and director of the Donald Owens School of World Mission presented the Board of Trustees mandate for making APNTS the premier mission training center for the Church of the Nazarene and reviewed the steps that have been taken thus far in making that a reality.  He prayed for us all that we would most of all have a passion for God that would translate into a passion to bring the message of Jesus to a needy world-a plentiful harvest needing workers.

The month long celebration concluded with seminary President, Dr. Floyd T. Cunningham, reviewing some of the important moments in Nazarene history with a focus on those who looked at their world with eyes of compassion and hearts filled with God’s perfect love that transforms. He challenged us to inclusivity and the responsibility of having Christ as our vision at Kaytikling corner and beyond.

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-by Mrs. Beverly Gruver