2021-2022 SBC

“The 2021-2022 APNTS Student Body Council are an amazing group of servants excited about this school year. Though we at APNTS are faced with some unique problems because of Covid, this council already is being proactive and anticipating the needs of our diverse student body.”   

Dr. Eileen Ruger, Dean of Students

The newly elected Student Body Council (SBC) jumped right into action as the committee chairpersons and their teams are finding creative ways to build a sense of community and fellowship among the APNTS family with the help of technology. Since it is impossible to have physical meetings and gatherings of the members of the Student Body Organization (SBO) like the pre-pandemic days, the SBC is already meeting one or more times via Zoom in addition to the SBO meetings that will be held at least twice a semester via Zoom.

In such a time as this, we are still hopeful as we have already commenced planning and organizing activities for the year. This year, under the auspices of the Compassionate Ministry Committee, in partnership with United Tribal Indigenous People of the Philippines (UTIPP) and the Binalbagan Church of the Nazarene, we have embarked on a new project in Barangay Marina, Negros Occidental, to provide a livelihood program for the community through a swine dispersal program. We are very excited to help this community in a new and exciting way. The Academic Committee will be hosting quarterly academic enrichment workshops online and will be striving to provide tutoring and help for students who need a little extra assistance. The Spiritual Life Committee is planning to host prayer meetings and spiritual activities throughout the year. The Social Committee is planning creative activities to raise the morale of the students. The Sports Committee is planning and finding ways to promote and encourage a healthy lifestyle among students even amidst this pandemic. This year will be filled with fun activities that meet both the spiritual, social, physical, emotional, and intellectual needs of the members of the SBO.

We do believe, that despite the challenges, each member of the SBO will bear many fruits if we abide in Jesus Christ, our Lord. Through today’s amazing technology and through our strong sense of community, we are able to continue to be connected, be renewed, and reach out to make a difference in the world as we hold on to the truth that “HE IS THE VINE; WE ARE THE BRANCHES!